Gas Welding 

Gas Welding 


To teach basic information about gas welding to welding personnel. To provide an understanding of the points to be considered in gas welding. To provide gas welding skills. 

PARTICIPANT PROFILE:Technician, designer, maintenance worker, engineer 

Historical development of oxy-gas welding 
Fundamentals of Oxy-Gas welding, flammable and combustible gases 
Carbides and acetylene gas production, acetylene boilers, aqueous safety 
Oxygen and acetylene cylinders, transport of cylinders, storage of cylinders and carbide, 
Oxy-Gas welding tools and equipment, torches (welding torches, cutting torches), gas hoses, pressure reducers (manometers) 
Oxy-Gas flame types, flame selection according to the type of metal to be welded 
Fluxes (pastes) used in Oxy-Gas welding and their functions, 
Preparation of workpieces for welding 
Oxy-Gas welding processes 
Positions of the torch and welding wires according to joining positions 
Oxy-gas welding of pipes 
Joining materials such as cast iron, aluminum, copper, bronze, and brass by oxy-gas welding 
Weld defects, 
Cutting process with oxy-gas welding 
Duration: 3 days (theory + practice)